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Unedited Final


Artist Statement

   Tensions rising among individuals can cause conflict or arguments. Whether it’s with family or friends or even complete strangers, there can be unspoken problems which can lead to an outbreak of emotion and feeling at some point. The tension does not always have to be known or acknowledged but I sometimes think without that acknowledgement, a relationship can no longer thrive and it’s important to know when to let go of certain relationships.

   In my photo, I wanted to touch on rising of emotions. My two models are in opposite colors-- one red and one blue-- and standing across from each other with tense body language and the guy looks to be about to hit the girl. They are all one color instead of only parts of themselves because it shows the emotions becoming overwhelming and taking over their whole being. Also, I wanted to make it black and white so the color would really be the main focus behind them. Giving some of their side to the other person and receiving that as well. I don’t really like the final of my image because I had a more specific edit in mind, but I like the way it looks less realistic and more comic-y and I like the body language and sort of the idea behind it.

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