Living vs Existing

Unedited Final

Artist Statement
Living vs existing to me is defined by what you do versus what you want. The desire to live; get out of your comfort zone in a way whether it be big or small or maybe stay in that zone but choose your desires over your necessities. The resignation that comes with repetition throughout each day, I believe, is linked with existence. Routines becoming necessary and the fear of living or of breaking that routine, can often leave someone feeling isolated and alone.
My character is a businessman who is feeling just that way. He is surrounded by repetition in his day— endless contracts to be signed (papers on his right) and isolated from parties or things he might enjoy. The harsh lighting on just him exhibits the darkness he surrounds himself with vs the bit of hope (light) he carries within. The de-saturated colors and higher clarity play into the harshness and dreary mood set. The “party scene” behind him is empty because it shows how even in a party setting he is more focused on work and can’t enjoy it, therefore feeling alone. The happy birthday banner is hanging down on the happy side to represent his loss of happiness at the situation. The hints of the party: coffee being poured into a margarita glass, confetti on the table, show his desire to live and do what he wants but he does not indulge in them, choosing to exist in what he knows; work. The assistant pouring coffee is being ignored because it represents social interactions and the avoidance of forming relationships so as not to mess up routines and making things complicated.
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