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Unedited Final

Artist Statement

        When thinking of addictions, the first thought that typically comes into people’s minds are drugs. They don’t really consider the idea that addictions can form around anything- an item, person, behavior, etc. I wanted this photograph to have more of a comedic message then something serious because my photos are typically very somber or have a deep meaning or message behind them. I chose to go the path of a caffeine addiction because a lot of my family or friends seem to relate to this idea that they need caffeine to function and I think it would be relatable to the majority of people who consume caffeinated beverages.

        The syringe in the photo is supposed to symbolize the way in which someone would typically put harmful drugs into their body but it’s filled with coffee instead. I had the cup spilled to give it a chaotic feel and because I wanted to show that a side effect of caffeine is becoming jittery and maybe the person drinking it spilled it by accident.

        I really enjoyed shooting this because some of the images had a close up of the syringe and, although I didn’t use any of those ones for my final, I liked the focus in them and how detailed they came out. The only obstacle I encountered while shooting was that the environment I was shooting in was fairly dark and so manually focusing the camera was tricky but the flash helped a little bit.

        I like my composition with the coffee cup spilling from one side and the clean feel of it all being on a white table. If I were to re-shoot I don’t think there is much I would change over all but I would like more time to play around with the spilling and placement of the coffee.

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