Why do we exist?

Unedited Final

Artist Statement
For this photo, I wanted to push away how others view existence in more of a black and white lens with science based opinions and religious opinions. I think that that is more focused on how humans came to be and I think that existence is more how we’ve evolved and stayed alive throughout time. When it comes to existence, I believe that we exist because we feel things and to feel things. We feel love and hate, joy and pain, we feel like we belong or we want to feel that way. We want to feel and without this drive we wouldn’t exist. We wouldn’t form connections with others, we wouldn’t feel it’s important to eat or live or take care of our health. I think when feelings are involved, it has more to do with your heart and emotions.
My photo takes the two conflicting sides- religion and science- and puts a distinct similarity; love and hearts. The bible has a heart shaped bible verse on it that discusses love, and the science textbook is opened to a page about love and has a heart diagram on paper. I chose to have the two books opposing each other and a plain black background as well as just plain lighting. I like how the science book is more cropped than the bible as well. I think my favorite part about this photo was analyzing what I thought about existence and having to figure out how to portray that.
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