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money eyeball 2.jpg

Unedited Final


Artist Statement

     In making choices, influence from external and internal sources need to be taken into consideration. In society and in individuals, it is easy to be influenced by greed and desire for money. Money is very important in gaining power but also financial stability, items, desires, etc. The more money you have the better is preached continuously and people are looking for more ways to get money every day.

     In positive ways, this desire can lead to newer inventions, more jobs, and drive to be successful but in negative light, it can lead to abuse of power, illegal activity, and poverty. It can seem very tempting to do things the easier way and cheat someone out of money and being influenced from others who are successful in this way can make it seem like a better option than trying to work harder and save your pay.

     My photo addresses the fact that sometimes desires and influence can become more of a focus than morals or empathy. You can become fixated on goals that may be healthy but also unhealthy which is why the eye in my photo is wide and not relaxed. It represents this intense focus and inability to be distracted from the influences of society to gain more and more and the attraction of money and success. I have money prints on the face to show how this enticing source can change who you are as a person especially if you are ignoring your morals to make money, become successful, etc. Your identity can become more focused on your earnings than your personality.  

     I would like to re-shoot this photo because I was unable to successfully shoot my original idea and had to adjust it for the time being, I think doing more research with different techniques will help me have a more successful outcome.

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