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Unedited Final

Artist Statement

      My photograph draws parallels between childhood and adulthood and the changes that occur as you grow from one to the next. When thinking about the word childhood, I was walking home from my bus stop on a rainy day. I remember stepping in a puddle and getting my shoes wet and then thinking about jumping in puddles as a child. It made me think about how as children we are more carefree and less concerned with the consequences of our actions. We don’t think about getting wet- we just jump.

      As adults the world is not so simple. We have to consider every decision we make and how it will change our future and lives forever. Consequences are very important and adults focus more on staying on a set path, and playing it safe so that they are successful.

      The child on the left is wearing bright pink rain boots and jumping in puddles on the side of the road. The rain boots are bright to represent happiness of a child because they don’t have many concerns or worries typically. On the other side, there is a lady in black heels standing in the road. She is wearing dark colors and grays to show how as an adult you become more stressed and “gray” because you are focused on doing so many things at once. The adult is also in the road more because it’s supposed to represent staying on a path and not straying off like the child did impulsively. The background is also in black and white because it puts extra emphasis on the boots and the heels in the picture and the color change.

      If I could redo this image I would probably try to shoot on an actual rainy day because I had to make the puddle myself and it didn’t have as great of an emphasis as I wanted.

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